Apply for a Grant
The 2024-2025 SWOT Grant application period is closed. Please check back in the Fall of 2025 for the next funding cycle.
General Information
Each year, SWOT awards several US $1,000-$2,000 grants to sea turtle research and conservation projects worldwide that fall within SWOT's four program areas: 1) Networking & Capacity Building, 2) Filling Conservation Gaps, 3) Behavior Change, and 4) Conservation Action.
We also partner with the Association of Zoos & Aquariums and their Sea Turtle SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction) Program to award grants to projects related to the conservation of two of the top global priorities for sea turtle conservation: Eastern Pacific leatherbacks, and Kemp’s ridleys. If you work with one of these populations, we encourage you to apply.
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What We Fund
SWOT favors community-based programs that have a measurable conservation impact and work with highly threatened, at-risk, or poorly known sea turtle populations. Research projects should have a direct application to conservation, or help to fill a conservation-relevant data gap. See all of our past grantees here.
How to Apply
SWOT grants support sea turtle conservation work that addresses priority populations, threats, and data gaps. Each year, we award between 15 and 20 grants of $1,000-$2,000 USD to projects in four categories:
Networking & Capacity Building
This category aims to assist projects that convene, build, or strengthen networks or communities, or build capacity to deliver sea turtle conservation.
Filling Data Gaps
This category aims to support projects that fill critical gaps in scientific knowledge about sea turtles that will support conservation.
Behavior Change For Conservation
This category seeks projects that reduce threats to sea turtles through education and outreach efforts that target specific human behaviors.
Conservation Action
This category seeks projects that take direct action to address an acute threat to any sea turtle life stage.
Please note: Grantees agree that, if awarded, the results of all research funded by SWOT will be made publicly available on a non-discriminatory basis. In the case of data collected that are relevant to SWOT’s global database, grantees agree to share the data with SWOT for inclusion in the SWOT database. Data holders will retain all ownership and control of their data, as stipulated in the SWOT Data Use Agreement.