Team BEACH (BE A CHangemaker) is a global behavior change initiative for sea turtle conservation, a network developed to support knowledge and resource sharing among conservationists and social scientists seeking to promote strategies and interventions that result in meaningful human behavior change relating to the preservation of sea turtles and their habitats globally.
Launched by the State of the World’s Sea Turtles Program (SWOT), Oceanic Society, and Disney Conservation in 2020, Team BEACH now has participants from 38 countries. The initiative is co-led by Roderic Mast, Brian Hutchinson, Ashleigh Bandimere, and Lindsay Mosher of Oceanic Society/SWOT, and Rachel Smith and Kelley Anderson of Human Nature Group. Our flagship program is an annual workshop hosted at the International Sea Turtle Symposium, in which we share best practices for developing behavior change strategies by highlighting real case studies submitted by scientists and practitioners from across the globe. We also lead a webinar series on key topics in conservation behavior change and host a listserv to facilitate knowledge sharing among the sea turtle community. Recordings of past webinars and all resources shared during the annual workshops are linked below.
Please join the Team BEACH listserv for news, events, and conversations with others engaged in work to help the world’s sea turtles and their habitats. Together, we can protect sea turtles and the oceans, one individual human action at a time!