How the U.S. Government Defines Recovery of Endangered Species

A species being listed under the Endangered Species Act is like a patient being taken to a hospital emergency room. The patient has become so ill or has been so critically injured that immediate and serious action is necessary to ensure his or her survival. 6 species of sea turtle are listed under the ESA, which has many implications for their conservation.

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The Importance of Setting Baselines for Assessing the Direct Take of Turtles

Baseline data on direct takes of turtles are vital for conservationists to measure their projects’ successes or failures and to help us avoid, or at least be aware of, shifting baselines, in which our perception of what is normal is influenced by what we have witnessed in our lifetimes. Having baseline data enables us to assess the impact of management strategies, conservation programs, or new policies and allows us to say with confidence: this is working, we are winning.

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Can Turtle Conservation and Tourism Development Coexist in Cabo Verde?

Cabo Verde has a reputation in Africa for financial security and a stable and democratic government. However, the island nation has few resources beyond its excellent climate and incredible natural beauty. Given these attributes, tourism is an obvious choice for economic development, and plans have already been drawn up for each of the islands, focusing on sectors such as cultural, sun and sea, or nature-based tourism.

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