The State of the World's Sea Turtles | SWOT

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Equilibrio Azul — Ecuador (2013)

Equilibrio Azul (EA) is a grassroots marine conservation group based in Puerto Lopez, a fishing town located within Ecuador’s Machalilla National Park. EA conducts research on nesting and in-water activity of hawksbill and green turtles. EA launched Ecoclub to provide opportunities for local children to interact with and learn about the biodiversity that their shores boast. Most club members are children of fishermen, who are crucial stakeholders in marine and turtle conservation. In weekly meetings, Ecoclub enables participants to discover and appreciate local marine life.

The 2013 SWOT grant will fund turtle nesting and hatching field trips, as well as in-water observation trips. EA hopes to inspire its “guardianes de la naturaleza” (nature guardians) to lead conservation initiatives in the future.