The State of the World's Sea Turtles | SWOT

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Universiti Malaysia Terengganu - Malaysia (2006)

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu’s Turtle Research and Rehabilitation Group, popularly known as SEATRU, conducts a marine turtle conservation program in Chagar Hutang on Redang Island, a primary nesting beach for green turtles in peninsular Malaysia’s state of Terengganu and popular tourist locale. To increase the understanding and appreciation of local sea turtle populations, Eng-Heng Chan and Pelf-Nyok Chen of SEATRU used SWOT Report content, along with local information, to develop 19 educational posters. During the beach’s seasonal closure from October to April, the posters are being used in a traveling exhibition; after April 2007, the posters will be permanently housed in the new Chagar Hutang Turtle Gallery, which is expected to be a popular attraction for students, tourists, SCUBA divers, and journalists who visit the island.