RASTOMA — Central Africa (2019)
Meeting of the actors of the Cameroon Marine Turtle Network. ©RASTOMA
Illustration of plastic pollution on a beach in Kribi-Cameroon. ©RASTOMA
Plastic pollution is a cause of sea turtle mortality worldwide as well as the degradation of feeding and reproductive habitats. In order to mitigate this threat for the five species of sea turtles that inhabit the coastal waters of Central Africa (green, leatherback, olive ridley, hawksbill, and loggerhead), RASTOMA has adopted a “Beaches without Plastic” plan. They will use a 2019 SWOT grant to help reduce the impact of plastic on sea turtles by holding workshops and outreach campaigns in Cameroon, Gabon, and São Tomé and Principe. These workshops will focus on repurposing plastic waste into goods that can help communities generate income and raise awareness about plastic pollution.